A citizen who has reached the age of 16 but not the age of 18 and whose main source of income is his own labour shall be regarded as a person with full capacity for civil conduct. 十六周岁以上不满十八周岁的公民,以自己的劳动收入为主要生活来源的,视为完全民事行为能力人。
The overall objective of this output is to facilitate compliance with the new labour laws, by building the capacity of labour officials, employers and workers. 此项产出的总体目标是通过对劳动官员、用人单位和劳动者开展培训,提升其执行和遵守新劳动法规的能力和意识。
Participate in the public activity and offer intermediary service or offer the chance of working voluntarily for old man, disabled person with labour capacity. 为有劳动能力的老人、残疾人自愿参加公益活动提供中介服务或给予劳动机会。
Recent surveys show that after years of excess labour capacity there are now more jobs available than jobseekers to fill them. 最近一些调查显示,在劳动力市场多年供应过剩之后,目前空缺的就业岗位多于市场上的求职者。
However, German manufacturers would waste little time shifting production abroad to take advantage of lower labour costs and capacity for quality production elsewhere. 但德国的制造商会迅速将生产转移至国外,利用其他地区更为低廉的劳动力及产能生产优质产品。
Add fuel subsidies to the currency peg, cheap labour and light planning regulation, and the incentive to expand capacity willy-nilly is overwhelming. 燃油补贴,再加上盯住汇率制、廉价劳动力和计划调控监管不力,使得大肆扩大产能的动机占了上风。
New Labour's capacity for new economic thinking was constrained by its courtship of business and especially finance. 新工党的新经济思维也受制于其对商业和(尤其是)金融的示好。
However, such small factories are facing significant stress as they struggle to remain competitive amid slowing demand, rising labour costs and a glut of capacity. 然而,此类小工厂现在面临着巨大的压力,因为随着需求放缓、劳动力成本日益上升和产能过剩,它们很难保持竞争力。
Reasonable, make whole institutions under coherent feeding process is fully automated and manual Labour, reduce the assembling capacity and improve labor productivity assembly processes. 整套机构连贯合理,使下料过程完全自动化,减少了人工劳动量,提高了组装能力和组装工序劳动生产效率。
Subsequently, the slowing in unit labour costs during the downturn and the easing of these other capacity pressures saw inflation moderate significantly. 随后,由于单位劳动力成本在衰退期的减少和那些其它容量压力的减弱,又出现了明显的通货膨胀减缓。
Analyzing on Influencing Factor of Labour Capacity in Mine Enterprise 影响矿山企业劳动生产率因素浅析
Labour refers to the capacity for physical labour, not commodity; 劳动力是人的劳动能力,不是商品;
Manpower resources also called workforce resources or workforce, refer to the total of those people with labour capacity who promote the development of the whole economy and society. 人力资源,又称劳动力资源或劳动力,是指能够推动整个经济和社会发展,具有劳动能力的人口总和。
61 11% of cases were diagnosed as complete loss of labour capacity. 致残程度鉴定,完全丧失劳动能力占6111%。